Get low corporate rates on hotels, apartments and hostels in Dushanbe, Khorog, Khujand, Kulob and other regions.
Our hotel partners pay very generous commissions to qualifying travel agents and tour operators through the Pamir Highway, Khorog, Dushanbe, Khujand, Kulob, Panjakent and Istravashan.
Apart from standard reduced rates, depending on the number of guests, travel agencies and tour operators have the opportunity of getting even more discounts. helps reduce overheads associated with staff training, response handling, sales management, contracting and negotiating.
From luxury hotels to home-stays and yurt or tents, you will have a single log-in to manage and administer multiple bookings.
We also have dedicated support team available to help you work through any problems you may have while booking any of the services on Bookings can be edited by agent and also directly by the user on an easy to use dashboard.
Please note that the rates are different, if a member is not logged into the system.
Please let us know the destination of your interest. It will not take more than 24hrs for us to apply newly negotiated hotel rates against your user name and notify you. Please log out and re-login to the system to see the newly reduced prices on hotels rooms.
Significantly reduced rates, up to 60% off, on hotel rooms, home-stays, hostels and apartments are offered to travel agencies and tour operators through Don't miss out!
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