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Pamirs of Tajikistan, how to get around

Transportation Pamir highway
Transportation Pamir highway

Transportation system of Gorno Badakhshan Autonomus Oblast

To get a transport within the Khorog City is simple and easy, because there only two main directions that public transport is internally used for; on transportation routes number 1 and 3.

To get to the other areas of Gorno Badakhshan Autonomus Oblast from Khorog one will have to find so called “Terminal” - bus station/departure points-, majority of which are located next to the local market (Bazar) on Shotemur Street, from where public transportation departs towards other places outside of  Khorog such as Dushanbe, Murghob, Jelondi, Ishkashim, etc.

Note: except to Dushanbe, other departure stations can be closed for business on Sundays. Depending on your browser and internet connection you may or may not see a map below the text for each depature point. Please note that spme of the GPS coordinates indicate only the location vacinity and may not reflect the exact point of each station. We thought it still serves the purpose, by directing to the right location.

From Khorog to  Ishkashim, 110 km, 3 hrs, cost of trip is approximately 40 Somoni. From Khorog to Roshtqala, 43 km, 1 hr, cost of trip is approximately 7 Somoni.

From Khorog to Vamar (Rushan), 62km, 1,5 hrs, cost of trip is approximately 15 Somoni.From Khorog to Murgab, 205 km, 6 hrs, cost of trip is approximately 120 Somoni.

From Khorog to Qalai Khumb, Darvoz, 240 km, 7 hrs, cost of trip is approximately 120 Somoni. From Khorog to Vanj, 155 km, 5 hrs, cost of trip is approximately 80 Somoni.

From Khorog to Dushanbe, 720 km, 14 hrs, cost of trip is approximately 300 Somoni. 


Dushanbe, Tajikistan

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